

Formule moléculaire brute : C9H14O

Principaux synonymes

Noms français :

  • 3,5,5-Trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one
  • Isophorone

Noms anglais :

  • 3,5,5-Trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one
  • Isophorone
Utilisation et sources d'émission

Fabrication de pesticides, solvant pour laques


Autres sources d'information

  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, NIOSH pocket guide to chemical hazards. 3 ed. Cincinnati, Ohio : NIOSH. (2007). [RM-514001]
  • American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 2022 TLVs and BEIs with 7th edition documentation CD-ROM. Cincinnati, OH : ACGIH. (2022). Publication 0111CD. [CD-120061]
  • Weiss, G., Hazardous Chemicals Data Book. 2nd ed. Park Ridge, N.J. : Noyes Data Corporation. (1986). [RR-015005]
  • Mark, H.F., Grayson, M. et Eckroth, D., Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology. 3rd ed. New York : Wiley. (1978-84). [RT-423004]
  • National Fire Protection Association, Fire protection guide on hazardous materials. 9th ed. Quincy, Mass. : NFPA. (1986).
  • Proctor, N.H., Hughes, J.P et Fishman, M.L., Chemical hazards of the workplace. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Penn. : J.B. Lippincott. (1988). [RM-214010]
  • Lenga, R.E., The Sigma-Aldrich library of chemical safety data. 2nd ed. Milwaukee : Sigma-Aldrich. (1988).
  • Patty, F.A., Patty's industrial hygiene and toxicology. Vol. 2, 3rd ed. New York : John Wiley & Son. (1978).
  • France. Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, Fiche toxicologique no 118 : Isophorone. Cahiers de notes documentaires. Paris : INRS. (2006). [RE-005509]
  • Bucher, J.R., NTP technical report on the toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of isophorone (cas no. 78-59-1) in f344/N rats and b6c3f1 mice (gavage studies). Technical report series / NTP ; [*212 doc.] 291. Research Triangle Park, NC : National Toxicology Program. (1984). (Draft technical report) NIH: 85-2547. [MO-005893]
  • Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, VOL. 22, NO 10, (1940), P. 477-483. [AP-021595]
  • O'Donoghue, J.L. et al., «Mutagenicity studies on ketone solvents : methyl ethyl ketone, methyl isobutyl ketone, and isophorone.» Mutation Research. Vol. 206, p. 149-161. (1988). [AP-023843]
  • Toxicology, VOL. 39, (1986), P. 207-219. [AP-014147]
  • Carpenter, C.P. et Smyth, H.F., «Chemical burns of the rabbit cornea.» American Journal of Ophthalmology. Vol. 29, p. 1363-1372. (1946). [AP-021658]
  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Occupational safety and health guidelines for chemical hazards. Cincinnati : Centers for Disease Control. (1988). Microfiche : PB89-203137, DHHS/PUB/NIOSH-89-104-SUPPL-2-OHG
  • Toxicological profile for isophorone. (1989). Microfiche : PB90-180225, ATSDR/TP-89/15

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