

Formule moléculaire brute : C2H6O6

Principaux synonymes

Noms français :

  • Acide oxalique dihydraté

Noms anglais :

  • Oxalic acid dihydrate
Utilisation et sources d'émission

Agent nettoyant, fabrication de produits organiques


Autres sources d'information

  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, NIOSH pocket guide to chemical hazards. 3 ed. Cincinnati, Ohio : NIOSH. (2007). [RM-514001]
  • American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 2022 TLVs and BEIs with 7th edition documentation CD-ROM. Cincinnati, OH : ACGIH. (2022). Publication 0111CD. [CD-120061]
  • Mark, H.F., Grayson, M. et Eckroth, D., Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology. 3rd ed. New York : Wiley. (1978-84). [RT-423004]
  • National Fire Protection Association, Fire protection guide on hazardous materials. 9th ed. Quincy, Mass. : NFPA. (1986).
  • Patty, F.A., Patty's industrial hygiene and toxicology. Vol. 2, 3rd ed. New York : John Wiley & Son. (1978).
  • Proctor, N.H. et Hughes, J.P., Chemical hazards of the workplace. Toronto : J.B. Lippincott. (1978). [RM-214010]
  • France. Institut national de recherche et de sécurité, Fiche toxicologique no 110 : Acide oxalique. Cahiers de notes documentaires. Paris : INRS. (2005). [RE-005509]
  • Lauwerys, R.R., Toxicologie industrielle et intoxications professionnelles. 2e éd. Paris : Masson. (1982). [MO-001959]
  • Klauder J.V., Shelanski L. et Gabriel K., «Industrial Uses of Compounds of Fluorine and Oxalic Acid.» Archives of Industrial Health. Vol. 12, p. 412-419. (1955). [AP-022771]
  • Howard C.D., «Chronic Poisoning by Oxalic Acid: with Report of a case and Results of a Study Concerning the Volatilization of Oxalic Acid from Aqueous Solution.» Journal of Industrial Hygiene. Vol. 14, no. 8, p. 283-290. (1932). [AP-022770]
  • Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, VOL. 11 (1985), P. 97-100. [AP-008590]
  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health et États-Unis. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Occupational health guidelines for chemical hazards. Vol. 1. Cincinnati : Centers for Disease Control. (1981-). DHSS-NIOSH 81-123. [RR-015002]
  • Gosselin, R.E., Hodge, H.C. et Smith, R.P., Clinical toxicology of commercial products. 5e éd. Baltimore (MD) : Williams & Wilkins. (1984). [RM-514002]

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