

Principaux synonymes

Noms français :

  • Poussières de bois (épinette)
  • Poussières de bois d'épinette
  • Poussières de bois d'épinette noire
  • Épinette blanche (Canada)
  • Épinette de Norvège
  • Épinette noire
  • Épinette rouge

Noms anglais :

  • Black spruce wood dusts
  • Norway spruce
  • Spruce wood dusts
  • Wood dust (spruce)


Autres sources d'information

  • American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 2022 TLVs and BEIs with 7th edition documentation CD-ROM. Cincinnati, OH : ACGIH. (2022). Publication 0111CD. [CD-120061]
  • National Fire Protection Association, Fire protection guide on hazardous materials. 9th ed. Quincy, Mass. : NFPA. (1986).
  • Goulet, L. et Lebel, P., «Poussières de bois : risques à la santé et surveillance de l'état de santé des travailleurs exposés.» Union médicale du Canada. Vol. 110, p. 865-870. (1981). [AP-131700]
  • Hausen, B.M., Woods injurious to human health : a manual. New York : Walter de Gruyter. (1981). [MO-020630]
  • National Fire Protection Association, National fire codes : A compilation of NFPA codes, standards, recommended practices, manuals and guides. Boston, Ma : NFPA. (1992). [NO-007014]
  • Anarson, D.A. et Chan-Yeung, M., «Characterization of health effects of wood dust exposure.» American Journal of Industrial Medicine. Vol. 17, p. 33-38. (1990). [AP-033613]
  • Carosso, A., Ruffino, C. et Bugiani, M., «Respiratory diseases in wood workers.» British Journal of Industrial Medicine. Vol. 44, no. 1, p. 53-56. (1987). [AP-014264]
  • Flechsig, R. et Nedo, G., «Hazardous health effects of occupational exposure to wood dust.» Industrial Health. Vol. 28, no. 3, p. 107-119. (1990). [AP-034245]
  • Material safety data sheets / Genium's Handbook of safety, health, and environmental data. Genium Publishing Corp. (1999-).
  • Cobe, H.M., «Sensitivity due to christmas trees : a seasonal atopen in bronchial asthma.» Journal of Allergy. Vol. 1, p. 442-445. (1930). [AP-037253]
  • Malo, J. L., Cartier, A. et Boulet, L. P., «Occupational asthma in sawmills of eastern Canada and United States.» Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Vol. 18, no. 3, p. 392-398. (1986). [AP-018310]
  • Armour, M.A., Hazardous laboratory chemicals : disposal guide. Boca Raton, FL. : CRC Press. (1991).
  • Côté, A.E. et Linville, J.L., Fire protection handbook. 17th ed. Quincy, Mass. : NFPA. (1991).
  • IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks of Chemical to Humans, Wood, leather and some associated industries. IARC monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to human, Vol. 25. Lyon : International Agency for Research on Cancer. (1981).
  • Browning, C.A. et Tatken, R.L., Health effects of exposure to wood dust : a summary of the literature. (1987). [MO-012281], Microfiche : PB87-218251
  • Majamaa, H. et Viljanen, P., «Occupational facial allergic contact dermatitis caused by Finnish pine and spruce wood dusts.» Contact Dermatitis. Vol. 51, no. 3, p. 157-158. (2004).

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