Dibromure de baryum

Numéro CAS : 10553-31-8



Formule moléculaire brute : BaBr2

Principaux synonymes

Noms français :

  • Barium dibromide
  • Baryum, dibromure de
  • Dibromure de baryum

Noms anglais :

  • Barium dibromide
Utilisation et sources d'émission

Produit inorganique


Autres sources d'information

  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, NIOSH pocket guide to chemical hazards. 3 ed. Cincinnati, Ohio : NIOSH. (2007). [RM-514001]   https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npg/default.html
  • American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 2022 TLVs and BEIs with 7th edition documentation CD-ROM. Cincinnati, OH : ACGIH. (2022). Publication 0111CD. [CD-120061]   http://www.acgih.org
  • Weast, R.C., Astle, M.J. et Beyer, W.H., CRC handbook of chemistry and physics. 69th ed., 1988-1989. Boca Raton (Fla.) : CRC Press. (1988).
  • Proctor, N.H., Hughes, J.P et Fishman, M.L., Chemical hazards of the workplace. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Penn. : J.B. Lippincott. (1988). [RM-214010]
  • Lenga, R.E., The Sigma-Aldrich library of chemical safety data. 2nd ed. Milwaukee : Sigma-Aldrich. (1988).
  • Patty, F.A., Patty's industrial hygiene and toxicology. Vol. 2, 3rd ed. New York : John Wiley & Son. (1978).
  • Dreisbach, R. H., Handbook of poisoning : prevention diagnosis & treatment, 11th ed, Los Altos, Calif. : Lange Medical Publications, 1983 [RM-515008]
  • International Labour Office, Encyclopaedia of occupational health and safety : A-K. Vol. 1, 3rd ed. Geneva : ILO. (1983). [RR-003002]
  • Canutec. Guide de premières mesures d'urgence. Ottawa : Centre d'Édition du Gouvernement du Canada. (1986).
  • Haguenor, J.M. et Furon, D., Toxicologie et hygiène industrielle. Paris : Technique & Documentation. (1982). [RM-515026]
  • Friberg, L., Norsberg, G.F. et Vouk, V.B., Handbook on the toxicology of metals. 3nd ed.. New York : Elsevier. (2007). [RM-515001]
  • Drinking water criteria document for barium (final draft). Cleveland : Life Systems Inc. (1987). Microfiche : PB89-192090, TR-832-92
  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health et États-Unis. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Occupational health guidelines for chemical hazards. Vol. 1. Cincinnati : Centers for Disease Control. (1981-). DHSS-NIOSH 81-123. [RR-015002]   http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/81-123/
  • Luckey, T. D. et Venugopal, B., Metal toxicity in mammals : chemical toxicity of metals and metalloids. Vol. 2. New York : Plenum Press. (1977-1978). [MO-020312]

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