SR2 - Détail SIMDUT

WHMIS (Toluene)

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System

WHMIS 2015 classification - Note to reader
Update: 2023-03-23

  • Flammable liquids - Category 21
    • Flash point = 4,4 °C Setaflash closed cup and boiling point = 111 °C
  • Acute toxicity - inhalation - Category 42
  • Skin corrosion/irritation - Category 23
  • Reproductive toxicity - Category 24 5
    • Toxic to the development
    • Adverse effects on the development of the offspring
  • Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure (narcotic effects) - Category 3 - Narcotic effect3 4
  • Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure - Category 1
  • Aspiration hazard - Category 13
    • Liquid hydrocarbon with a kinematic viscosity of 0,676 mm2/s at 20 °C

  • WHMIS 2015 pictogram : Flame

  • WHMIS 2015 pictogram : Exclamation mark

  • WHMIS 2015 pictogram : Health hazard


Highly flammable liquid and vapour (H225)
Harmful if inhaled (H332)
Causes skin irritation (H315)
Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child (H361)
May cause drowsinesss or dizziness (H336)
Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure (H372)
May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways (H304)

Ingredient disclosure


  • ▲1.  Budavari, S. et O'Neil, M., The Merck index : an encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs, and biologicals. 12ème éd. Rahway (N.J.) : Merck. (1996). [RM-403001]
  • ▲2.  Pozzani, U.C., Weil, C.S. et Carpenter, C.P., «The toxicological basis of threshold limit values : 5. the experimental inhalation of vapors mixtures by rats, with notes upon the relationship between single dose inhalation and single dose oral data.» American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. Vol. 20, p. 364-369. (1959). [AP-023711]
  • ▲3.  Centre canadien d'hygiène et de sécurité au travail, CHEMINFO, Hamilton, Ont. : Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
  • ▲4.  Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Toxicological profile for toluene. Atlanta, GA : ATSDR. (2000). [MO-016492]
  • ▲5.  INRS, DEMETER : documents pour l'évaluation médicale des produits toxiques vis-à-vis de la reproduction. Paris : Institut national de recherche et de sécurité pour la prévention des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles. (2006).

The [number] refers to the Information SST database of the CNESST Documentation Center.