SR2 - Détail SIMDUT

WHMIS (Zirconium)

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System

WHMIS 2015 classification - Note to reader
Update: 2015-08-19

  • Flammable solids - Category 21 2 3
  • Self-heating substances and mixtures - Category 21

  • WHMIS 2015 pictogram : Flame


Flammable solid (H228)
Self-heating in large quantities; may catch fire (H252)

Ingredient disclosure

Comments: This product belongs to the hazard class "Combustible dust" if 5% or more by weight of its composition has a particle size < 500 µm.


  • ▲1.  Canada. Ministère des transports, Règlement sur le transport des marchandises dangereuses. Ottawa : Éditions du gouvernement du Canada. (2014). [RJ-410222]
  • ▲2.  Pohanish, R., Sittig's handbook of toxic and hazardous chemicals and carcinogens. 4ème éd. Norwich (NY) : Noyes Publications. (2002). 2 v.
  • ▲3.  Ash, M. et Ash, I., Specialty Chemicals Source Book. Synapse Information Resources, Vol. 2, 4th Ed. N.Y. : Endicott. (2009). [RS-402000]
  • ▲4.  American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Documentation of the threshold limit values and biological exposure indices / Documentation of TLV's and BEI's. 7th ed. Cincinnati, Ohio : ACGIH. (2001-). Publication #0100Doc. [RM-514008]
  • ▲5.  Bingham, E., Cohrssen, B. et Powell, C.H., Patty's toxicology. A Wiley-Interscience publication, 5ème éd. New York (NY) : John Wiley & Sons. (2001). [RM-214008]
  • ▲6.  Lewis, R.J., Sr., Hawley's condensed chemical dictionary. 14th ed. New York : John Wiley & Sons. (2001).
  • ▲7.  Pohanish, R.P. et Greene, S.A., Wiley guide to chemical incompatibilities. 2nd ed. New York, N.Y. : Wiley Interscience. (2003). [RR-015033]
  • ▲8.  Greene, S.A. et Pohanish, R.P., Rapid guide to chemical incompatibilities. New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold. (1997). [RR-015033]
  • ▲9.  Lenga, R.E. et Votoupal, K.L., The Sigma-Aldrich library of regulatory and safety data. Vol. 3. Milwaukee : Sigma-Aldrich. (1993). [RM-515040]
  • ▲10.  IFA-Gestis, Information system on hazardous substances of the German Social Accident Insurance. Sankt Augustin, Germany : Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA).
  • ▲11.  Urben, P. G. et Pitt, M.J., Bretherick's handbook of reactive chemical hazards. Vol. 1, 7th ed. Oxford; Toronto : Elsevier. (2007). [RS-415001]
  • ▲12.  International Programme on Chemical Safety, Zirconium. ICSC #1405. IPCS, CEC. (2004).
  • ▲13.  New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, Hazardous substance fact sheet : Zirconium. Right to Know Program. Trenton, NJ. (2008). RTK 2047.

The [number] refers to the Information SST database of the CNESST Documentation Center.