The section entitled Complete data sheet is not available in English for this substance. Consult the French version.



Numéro UN : UN1022

Formule moléculaire brute : CClF3

Principaux synonymes

Noms français :

  • Chlorotrifluorométhane
  • Monochlorotrifluorométhane
  • Méthane, chlorotrifluoro-
  • Trifluorochlorométhane

Noms anglais :

  • Chlorotrifluoromethane
  • Trifluoromethyl chloride
  • Trifluoromonochlorocarbon
Utilisation et sources d'émission

Agent réfrigérant


Autres sources d'information

  • Mark, H.F., Grayson, M. et Eckroth, D., Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology. 3rd ed. New York : Wiley. (1978-84). [RT-423004]
  • Weast, R.C., Astle, M.J. et Beyer, W.H., CRC handbook of chemistry and physics. 69th ed., 1988-1989. Boca Raton (Fla.) : CRC Press. (1988).
  • Lenga, R.E., The Sigma-Aldrich library of chemical safety data. 2nd ed. Milwaukee : Sigma-Aldrich. (1988).
  • Sax, N.I., Dangerous properties of industrial materials. 7th ed. Toronto : Van Nostrand Reinhold. (1989). [RR-014005]
  • Air liquide. Division scientifique, Encyclopédie des gaz / Gas encyclopaedia, Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1976 [RS-403002]
  • Braker, W. et Mossman, A.L., Matheson gas data book. Lundhurst, N.J. : Matheson. (1980). [RS-415003]
  • International Labour Office, Encyclopaedia of occupational health and safety : A-K. Vol. 1, 3rd ed. Geneva : ILO. (1983). [RR-003002]
  • Clark D.G. et Tinston D.J., «Acute Inhalation Toxicity of Some Halogenated and Non-Halogenated Hydrocarbons.» Human Toxicology. Vol. 1, p. 239-247. (1982). [AP-000442]
  • Hawley, G. G., Sax, N. I. et Lewis, R. J., Hawley's condensed chemical dictionary. 11th ed. rev. New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold. (1987). [RS-407001] 
  • ASHRAE HANDBOOK 1985 FUNDAMENTALS, ATLANTA : ASHRAE INC., 1985, P. 16.1-16.6 [RR-654002]
  • Hansch, C. et Leo, A., The log P database. Claremont, Ca. : Pomona College. (1987).
  • Dreisbach, R.H. et Robertson, W.O., Handbook of poisoning: prevention diagnosis & treatment. 12th ed. Norwalk, Conn. : Appleton & Lange. (1987). [RM-515008]

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