SR2 - Détail SIMDUT

WHMIS (Quinaldine)

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System

WHMIS 2015 classification - Note to reader
Update: 2014-11-14

  • Flammable liquids - Category 41
  • Acute toxicity - oral - Not reviewed
  • Acute toxicity - dermal - Not reviewed
  • Acute toxicity - inhalation - Not reviewed
  • Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure - Not reviewed


Combustible liquid (H227)
Acute toxicity - oral : Not available
Acute toxicity - dermal : Not available
Acute toxicity - inhalation : Not available
Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure : Not available

Ingredient disclosure

Comments: This classification comes from an automated conversion of the classification established under the Controlled Products Regulations. The complete classification under the Hazardous Products Regulations will be determined at a later date.


  • ▲1.  Lenga, R.E. et Votoupal, K.L., The Sigma-Aldrich library of regulatory and safety data. Vol. 2. Milwaukee : Sigma-Aldrich. (1993). [RM-515040]

The [number] refers to the Information SST database of the CNESST Documentation Center.